Monday, August 30, 2010

Another One Is Born!

Here is another gimbal about to leave the nest.
Gimbal with optional bezel.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Assembly Time!

Here are the bits for this week's final assembly. All cut, drilled, tapped sanded and polished.
Parts ready for assembly.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hole-E Caps 'n' Cups

Well, here are the drilled caps and cups. You can also see the pins in the cup. They go through the press fit, bonded, assembly right through the shaft.

Next step soldering, assembly and finishing. We're getting close!


Caps 'n' Cups.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Phew, one of the hard jobs done.

Since I am still hemming and hawing over which mill to get, for now, the parts still have to be hand cut. Here are some some snaps of the finished brushed frames and a shot of the high tech prosess used to make them.


The frames ready for a tasty stuffing of yokes, bails & springs.
Yep..that's a jeweler's saw in action!